A Place of Our Own /自己的房子


    Useful Language

  • ask for advice:征询意见
  • I'd like your opinion.
  • say something is too expensive:说东西太贵
  • We can't afford it.
  • say something is like something or someone  else:说某事像另一事或另一人的行为方式
  • Sounds like Richard.
  • say something is appropriate:说某物正合适
  • It was just right for us.
  • say the same things happen again in people's life:说历史重演
  • History repeats itself.
  • offer to help:表示愿意帮忙
  • If I can be of any help, let me know.
  • Say something is surprising:说某事太令人惊讶
  • You won't believe this, but…
  • say one action will happen immediately afteranother:说某行动紧接着另一行动
  • I'll talk to Richard the minute he comes home.
  • tell someone not to hurry:请对方不必急
  • There's no need to rush.
  • say you're happy to do something for someone:说自己乐于助人
  • It's my pleasure to help you find a house.
  • say you learned some news:说你听到某种消息
  • I hear you're expecting a baby.
  • say you understand something:说自己了解情况
  • I have a good idea about your financial situation.
  • say you don't like something:说自己不喜欢某物
  • I don't care for a ranch type.
  • say a price is fair:说价钱便宜
  • The price is right. It's a bargain.
  • say a house became available, or ready to sell:说正好有房屋可租或出售
  • This house just came on the market.
  • send greetings to someone:向他人致意
  • Give my best to your parents.
  • thank someone:向某人致谢
  • We really appreciate your advice
  • respond to a greeting:回答别人
  • A: Pleased to meet you. B:Likewise.
  • give additional information:附带一提
  • As a matter of fact, my whole family banks here.
  • ask what someone wants:征询对方需要
  • What kind of house did you have in mind?
  • ask if someone is able to do something:询问对方是否能做某事
  • Are you prepared to make a ten-percent down payment?
  • say something is more difficult than you hadthought:说某事比预期的还难
  • It all sounded so easy until they mentioned collateral
  • say other opportunities will come in the future:说将来会有其他机会
  • There'll be other houses.
  • agree with someone:赞同他人
  • Richard has a point, Marilyn.
  • say you'll always be ready to help someone:说自己随时准备帮助别人
  • We'll be there for you.


  • * She stops for a while to talk to Ellen.在stop后面加动词不定式,是停下手头的工作或站住脚步去做不定式所表示的动作。但stop加动名词是停止动名词所表示的动作,如果将这一句写为下面的形式,便易于记住这一区别:“She stops designing the dress to talk to Ellen.” * can't afford后面带名词、代词或动词不定式。其意思是在财力、时间等方面无法办到(花不起钱或时间),或因为此事会产生不利后果而需防止其发生,如: We can't afford(to buy)a refrigerator yet. You can't afford to have another traffic accident. * But Philip is too independent.too放在形容词或副词前,表示“过于……”,因而常带有否定另一个想法的潜在意思,这一被否定的想法可以不必明白说出, 如在本句中指接受爷爷的贷款。但也可以用不定式在后面说出,如: He was too tired to walk on. I missed parts of his speech.There was too much shouting and clapping to hear clearly. * History repeats itself./Time passes so quickly.这种句子表达一般为真实的事,不具体指某一个事例,故用一般现在时。又如: People like comfort. Water boils at 212°Fahrenheit. A holiday is always too short. * 本集中又有若干动词带像介词的副词,构成短语动词,如:grow up/find out/read…over/put… up/put…down等。 * We will be needing more room.will be needing是将来进行时,表示将来某一时刻正在进行的动作,比较生动或带有感情色彩。如: Telephone me at about seven —I'll be waiting for your call. This time tomorrow we'll be crossing the Channel. * Last year's tax forms.在表示时间的名词上加上“'s”是常见的。如: Did you attend this morning's classes? He was given a week or two's time to finish the job. It's an hour's drive from here. He never did a day's work all his life. * It all sounded so easy until they mentioned needing collateral or a guarantor. until在此表示“到……之后情况就完全不同了”。如: He was all smiles until I asked him for a raise. Everything went all right until they got married. The baby cried and cried until its mother picked it up. * room作为可数名词意思是“房间”,但作为不可数名词时意思是“空间,余地”等。如: There's no room on the desk for another dictionary. He found plenty of room on the shelves for his new books. By moving out the furniture, they made enough room for dancing. * 事非经过不知难。年轻夫妇想为将要来到人间的孩子安排个自己的窝,但“不问不知道,一问吓一跳”,既然理查德不愿依赖父母贷款或担保,埃伦又表示慰留,他们也只好暂时打消买房的打算了。像埃伦这样的主妇,既能接受老公公来长住,又不怕儿子媳妇在家里添丁进口,确实难能可贵。





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