You're Tops /你是高手


    Useful Language

  • ask if someone you can't see is entering:询问门外何人
  • Is that you, Susan?
  • express joy at seeing someone:表示见到对方很高兴
  • I'm glad to see you!
  • express pleasure at being with someone:表示乐于与对方独处
  • It's just you and me.
  • emphasize a point:强调重点
  • To tell you the truth… Frankly…
  • express unhappiness about not having enough to do:表示对无所事事感到不乐
  • I'm restless. I'm bored. I've got extra time on my hands.
  • agree on something:表示赞同
  • Sounds good to me.
  • express confidence about solving a problem:表示有信心解决难题
  • There must be something. We'll find a solution.
  • express concern:表示关怀
  • What's the problem? What's wrong? What's wrong with him/her? You sound like something's bothering you.
  • identify something:确认事物
  • That's not it. It's about my grandfather. That is the reason I'm here…
  • offer to help:表示愿意帮忙
  • What can I do? What kind of advice are you looking for? Shall I…
  • thank someone for his/her help:感激对方协助
  • I can always depend on you.
  • accept thanks:回答对方致谢
  • I'm glad to help.
  • make a suggestion:出主意
  • I thought maybe… I have an idea that may solve the problem.
  • say“yes”informally:“yes”的非正式代替词
  • Right. Sure.
  • check that something is true:查对事情是否属实
  • Really, Mr. Marchetta?
  • express enthusiasm for an idea:表示欢迎某种主意
  • That's music to my ears.
  • talk about your work experience:谈自己的工作经验
  • (I have) forty-three years of on-the-job training. I practically built the theater with my own two hands.
  • praise someone:称赞别人
  • That is some history. You're a valuable asset. He's quite a man. You earned your weight in gold. You're a real inspiration.
  • express confidence:表示自信心
  • (I want to) put my experience on the line. I think I can be of some help to you.
  • suggest a solution:提出解决办法
  • A simple solution might be…
  • welcome someone who has just joined an organization:欢迎新会员
  • Welcome aboard.
  • thank someone:向某人致谢
  • Thanks again. I owe you…
  • agree on something:表示一言为定
  • It's a deal.


  • * Am I glad to see you!这种感叹句形式上是问句,表示较强的感情。如: Did I enjoy the crab-meat salad! Do I need a nice cool beer! 有时常接着谈话对方的一句话而说出,如: —Were you surprised to see him? —Was I surprised! I could hardly believe my eyes! * I'm real exhausted.这里以形容词real代替副词really,是常见的非正式用法。 sure也常这样使用,特别是在美国英语里,如: Sure do. Sure can. I sure am glad to see you. The baby sure is cute. * so it's just you and me.just除作为形容词表示“公正”以外,作为副词最常见的意思和用法有下列几种:表示“最近,刚”,同完成时态连用,在非正式英语中也可以同一般过去时态连用。如: They've just seen a real estate agent. I just bought it yesterday. 表示“正在此时此刻”,如: I don't wish to have lunch just at this moment. The phone rang just as I locked the door behind me. 表示“马上要做”,同动词的现在进行时或 be going to do,be about to do连用,如: I'm just making some coffee.Sit down on that sofa,will you? We were just about to go when he came. So here yon are at last.We were just going to start dinner without you. just now表示“不久以前,刚才”或“现在”,可用于过去或指现在,但不与现在完成时连用。如: I'm sorry for my rudeness just now.(很抱歉,我刚才不礼貌了。) My brother is in Washington just now. Just a minute(moment).表示“请稍等一等”。不表示时间关系的用法有:表示解释或歉意,婉拒的“只不过是,只需”。如: Just fill out this form. This is just another old story. It's just I've got another appointment that afternoon.“仅仅”,如: She's just nineteen,too young to get married. These are just a few of my problems. “只有,才有,”如: We've got just ten days to finish the work. “就是,简单地,说不出理由地,无可改变地,”如: The baby just won't stop crying. I just know it's wrong to do that. We've just got to wait for the next bus. 用于命令句中表示强调,如: Just think. Just imagine! Just listen to that music! 表示“正是,一点不差”,如: That's just what I need. I'm prepared for just such an accident happening. * I thought(过去时)+从句常表达原来是这样想或这样认为,后来发现是错了的意思,请注意在说I thought he was retired and pleased to be living with the family这句话时,如果只说 I thought he was retired,就成为“后来才发现他还没有退休”的意思了。 * He founded this company.注意 to find(发现)和 to found(建立)动词形式容易混淆,如再加上 to fine(罚款),就更易出问题了: 原形 过去时 过去分词 现在分词 find found found finding found founded founded founding fine fined fined fining * That is some history.中some用在名词前表示赞许或钦佩,这是美国英语口语中的用法。又如: That was some meal we had last night. Some boy,that Robbie. 也有时表示讥讽或不快,如: Some neighbors!They're always making a lot of noise. Some friend you are! * like作为介词的用法小结如下: 后面跟名词、代词或代名词,如: There's no place like home.(表示可以与之相比) I haven't seem anything like it.(表示像,类似) We have in mind something easier,like playing charades.(表示“如…… 一类的”) I have stamps from many African countries,like Kenya and Tanzania. (表示“举例说”) 在美国英语中常用like作连词引起从句,有些像as,或as if,但在英国英语中这一用法仍不被普遍接受,如: Just do like he told you. She's crying like her heart would break. 此外,like和其反义词unlike也可以起像形容词的作用,放在very,more,most,quite等词后面,如: Susan's more like her grandmother than her mother. The twins are quite unlike. 在 feel,look,seem,smell,sound和taste之后常用like+名词(代词,动名词),如: I feel like taking a rest. He sounds like a bully. Harry looks like the right man for Susan. 美国英语中可以说 You sound like something's bothering you,like之后还可以带反身代词,如: He hates people like ourselves(us). * 为保证老年人的心理健康,需要使他们感到有用,能做出一定的贡献。类似TOPS这样的组织虽早见倪端,却在近一二十年间风靡世界。这如果搞好了,等于将人类的平均有效寿命拉长十余年,使社会总产值增加百分之十几或更多,其效果远超出创始人所想像的。说它是一种观念和实际效益上的革命也不为过。





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