A Real Stewart /真正的Stewart家后代


    Useful Language

  • express happiness:表示高兴
  • There's nothing more joyous than the arrival of a new baby.
  • compare people:将人比人
  • He looks a lot like you. He has Richard's eyes. I take after my mother. Children resemble their parents. She's shy, just like he is.
  • express personal feelings about someone:表示个人对另一人的情感
  • I'm very fond of her. Isn't he adorable?
  • say how someone affects you:说别人如何影响你
  • You make me feel so proud. He's always made me feel like his own daughter.
  • say something is suitable:说某物很合适
  • This will make a nice gift. 
  • say something has a deeper meaning:说某事有更深的含义
  • It must mean something. 
  • disagree:表示不同意
  • I wouldn't call that tall. 
  • connect a statement to a new idea:言谈中引出新话题
  • Speaking of mother and father, I hear the car.
  • offer someone a ride:提议开车送对方
  • I'll drive you to the station.
  • say something makes you happy:说某事让你高兴
  • It's good to have you home again. 
  • use an expression for“kindness”::“仁慈”的同义词…
  • all that Stewart TLC( Tender Loving Care
  • express a strong belief:表示强烈信念
  • TLC-that's our motto.
  • express appreciation:表示感激
  • It was so kind of them. 
  • add to a thought:附带一提
  • That's not all.  It hung over Susan's crib. 
  • express similarity:表示自己也是如此
  • Grandpa really loves his family.  So do I. 
  • offer a gift:赠送礼物
  • I hope you like it. 
  • thank someone for a gift:感谢对方厚礼
  • We really appreciate it. That was so thoughtful of you.
  • ask someone to do something:请对方做事
  • Will you please take this…?
  • talk about a child:谈论小孩
  • Michelle is very grown up for a ten- year-old. She's smart and sensitive for her age
  • express certainty about something:表示事情非常肯定
  • You can count on it. 
  • say people talk too much:说人家谈个没完
  • How can anybody get a word in around here?
  • say something never changes:说某事永不变
  • They always were and they always will be.
  • say trouble is coming:说要有麻烦.
  • We're in for trouble. 
  • say something becomes familiar:说某事习惯成自然
  • A baby gets used to voices. 


  • * 本集中又出现了不少“动词+介词”及“动词+像介词的副词”类型的短语动词,大致有:work on something, carry on something, take after someone, let…in, come on, take… back, pick… out, wake up, grow up, count on something, get along, get… in, wake up, pick… up等。 * pick up的意思较多,有“拾起,抱起,接人,取东西,拘留,学会一种本领,染上某种习惯,获得某种信息或知识,付餐饮帐”等。多数短语动词都有多义的特点,必要时需勤查字典,以防弄错。 * 本集中so 出现次数较多。在so cuddly, so excited, in so many ways, so alive with…, so proud to be…, so much like…, so cute, so happy, so good, so kind, 等组合中,so都是very的意思。这种用法比较富感情色 彩,带有惊呼或强调的意思,不宜多用。但在… so the old one will be ready…中,so是so that的简略说法。so that作为连词,表示目的。如: She opened the window so(that) the smoke might get out. * finish wrapping all these gifts: finish是需要后面带动名词而不是不定式的动词之一。常见的这一类动词还有admit,avoid,consider,deny,dislike,enjoy,give up,keep,can't help,leave off,mention,mind,miss,practise,put off,risk,can't stand,等。这些动词是绝对不带不定式做宾语的。如: I enjoy swimming in the lake. They kept making lots of noise. Will you give up collecting old newspapers? * 动词 hang意思是“悬挂”,但hang又是“绞(上吊)死”的意思,前者是不规则变化的动词(hang,hung,hung,)而后者是规则变化的动词(hang,hanged,hanged)。 * 新生婴儿返家,皆大欢喜,但爷爷、埃伦和苏珊,以及哈里和米歇尔的欢喜各不相同,刻划细致,是好笔法。





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