The Right Magic /钓鱼秘决

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  • 英语原文  中英对照  
  • 知识点
  • 练习
  • The Right Magic ACT II
  • This is really neat!
  • When do we eat?
  • First, we have to catch some fish.
  • In order to catch fish, you have to do this.
  • Here we go.
  • That's it.
  • Then drop it into the water.
  • All of this comes before eating. OK?
  • How do you know so much about fishing?
  • Grandpa taught me.
  • We spent a lot of time fishing together.
  • Now, the important thing is to get the hook close to the fish.
  • All right?
  • Like this.
  • I think I see some fish right under us, Dad.
  • Oh, not a chance!
  • I just saw a big one!
  • Hi, there!
  • Hi.
  • What's your name?
  • Albert.
  • Are you all alone?
  • Yes, sir.
  • How old are you, Albert?
  • I'm ten.
  • Where's your father?
  • He's up there at the lodge.
  • Does he know you're here?
  • Yes, sir.
  • OK, Robbie, maybe you should watch him.
  • The water's pretty deep here.
  • I'll watch him, Dad.
  • What time is it?
  • It's almost lunchtime, and no fish yet.
  • I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks.
  • No way!
  • We're here to catch our lunch.
  • To catch fish, you need the right magic.
  • That's right.
  • I forgot!
  • The right magic.
  • Do it for Robbie, Dad.
  • You remember?
  • Sure. Come on.
  • Well, first, you have to turn your hat around like this.
  • Then you close your eyes and say the magic words.
  • Fish, fish, send me a fish.
  • Fish, fish, send me a fish.... I got one!
  • See, it works!
  • It's a big one!
  • Well, it always worked for me, too.
  • Grandpa, get the net, please!
  • Dad, you got one, too!
  • You bet I have!
  • Easy, Philip, easy.
  • Sorry, Dad.
  • Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots.
  • You didn't say the magic words.
  • Robbie's right.
  • Yes, but you did, and we've got our lunch.
  • Let's build a fire and cook it!
  • Come on, Albert, you can help us!
  • I want to stay here and fish.
  • All right, but be careful.
  • Is it finished yet?
  • I think so.
  • I hope you like your fish well done.
  • Burned, you mean.
  • Hey, I'm a doctor, not a chef.
  • Help! Help! I can't swim!
  • Dad! Grandpa! He fell in!
  • Easy does it, Robbie.
  • That a boy.
  • That's it.
  • He's not breathing, Philip!
  • Robbie, run to the car!
  • Bring a blanket and my medical bag.
  • Yes, Dad.
  • Now, come on, son. Come on, son.
  • Breathe, Albert!


  • Here we go. =We're starting now. 现在我们可以开始。This is an informal expression. 这是一种非正式的表达法。
  • before eating:在吃之前。Use an-ing verb form(eating) after a preposition(before). 介词before后面要用动词的ing形式(eating)。
  • We spent a lot of time fishing together. 我们曾多次一起钓鱼。
  • Now, the important thing is to get the hook close to the fish. 现在,重要的是让鱼钩靠近鱼。Philip is trying to be funny. Of course Robbie knows that the hook must be near the fish. Philip是故意开玩笑,Robbie当然知道鱼钩必须靠近鱼。
  • Not a chance!=That's impossible. 不可能。
  • Hi, there! 你好。This is an informal way to say hello. 这是一种口语式打招呼方式。
  • all:completely. 完全,就。例如:Are you all alone? 就你一个人吗?
  • lodge:a small house to stay in during a trip or vacation. 小屋(旅行度假时住的小屋)。
  • It's almost lunchtime, and no fish yet. 差不多到午饭时间了,可还没钓到鱼。
  • I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks. 我可以到那边的小屋去弄些热狗和饮料来。
  • No way!=Absolutely not; forget it. 不行,决不可以
  • We're here to catch our lunch. 我们要在这里钓我们的午饭。
  • magic:魔法。
  • Come on. =Do it now. 你就说吧。
  • I got one!=I caught one. 我钓到一条。
  • It works!=It is successful. 成功了,真有效。
  • net:网。
  • You bet. = You can be sure. 当然了。
  • One more and I've got a pair of boots. 再钓一只我就有一双靴子了(自我调侃的话)。
  • Let's…=Let us…Use Let's to make a suggestion for you and someone else to do something. Let's用来建议别人与说话者一起做某事。
  • well done:cooked for a long time. 煎(炸)得十分熟的(牛排、肉块等)。
  • burned:cooked too long. 烤焦了。
  • chef:a professional cook. 职业厨师。
  • He fell in! 他落水了。
  • Easy does it. =Relax; go slowly. 别慌,慢点。
  • That's it. These two expressions mean“You're doing well. ”对了,就这样。
  • blanket:When you go to sleep, you cover yourself with a blanket. 毯子。
  • son:孩子。Of course, Albert isn't really Philip's son. Older people sometimes use son to speak directly to a young boy. Albert当然不是Philip的儿子,但是年纪大的人常常直接用son来称呼小男孩。





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